Man in Alabama Beaten by Black Mob

A mob of blacks/African-Americans attacked a white man, Matthew Owens, in Alabama using paint cans, chairs, pipes, brass knuckles–anything they could get their hands on.

It all started with some black kids playing basketball on Delmar Drive.  The kids often block the street to play their game, and it has angered residents.  Racial comments have been heard from both blacks and whites, causing a tinder box to burst into flames last Saturday night around 8:30 p.m.

Owens fussed at some black kids playing in the middle of the street.  The black kids left and a mob of black men returned.  The mob then attacked Owens on the porch of his house leaving him bleeding and now in a hospital in critical condition.

One of the black men was heard saying as the mob left, “Now that’s justice for Trayvon.”

Watch the video here:

How is that justice for anyone?  The beating was an absolute brutal incident and does nothing for justice.  Trayvon has not arisen from the grave because of this beating.  The beating does nothing but fuel more racial hatred, more bigotry, and–you can be assured–there are now a group of whites contemplating their own “justice” for Owens.

This beating of Owens is just insane and carried out by, if not insane, a group of hateful, vindictive black men who have done nothing but harmed efforts made by all people seeking racial equality, including Dr. Martin Luther King.  Instead of giving anyone ‘justice’, all the black mob did was toss onto the raging fire of bigotry more reason for prejudice and bigotry to continue and sets back any attempt of peaceful coexistence between all races.

I condemn this action by the black mob, not because of their race, but because of the harm they have done to racial equality and the hatred that they embrace in their hearts.  As long as such hatred lives and breeds within the hearts of all races, there never will be peace among us.

Your comments are encouraged and appreciated.

Warning! Read One Of The Most Disturbing Things Written About President Obama– Racism Is Alive And Well In America! (

About thomlucci

Disabled Veteran from Vietnam era, 2nd generation Italian-American, conservative, born in PA, raised mostly in Europe. Graduated from high school in France in 1966. Former print journalist, professional photographer. Love animals: dogs, cats, horses, mostly. Current Opinions of News is a blog where I vent my frustrations with Democrats, crime, social issues, and so on.
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2 Responses to Man in Alabama Beaten by Black Mob

  1. Pingback: Is Martin Luther King’s Dream Dead? « The Neosecularist

  2. Pingback: Wave of black mobs brutalizing whites | Kajunman's Blog

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