The Rise and Fall of the United States of America

It is happening right now. Right before your very eyes. If you do not see it, if you do not agree, then you are either blind or choose to ignore it. Perhaps when you wake up one day and realize the U.S. no longer exists, but is now a socialist/communist nation, you’ll say, “How did this happen? Why did this happen?” But it will be too late, then.

The following photos were taken very recently at the Arizona State capitol. People spitting on the U.S. flag, putting cigarettes out on the flag, putting toilet paper on the flag, urinating on the flag. And the police/federal officers refused to do anything about it.

A veteran who had just recently returned from the Middle East tried to pick up our flag, but he was pushed down onto the ground and told by authorities to do nothing or he would be arrested.

I hope these photos give you nightmares!

AZ state capitol 1

AZ state capitol 2

AZ state capitol 3

AZ state capitol 4

It’s happening, folks. Refusing to believe and accept this will not make it go away. It IS happening now.


About thomlucci

Disabled Veteran from Vietnam era, 2nd generation Italian-American, conservative, born in PA, raised mostly in Europe. Graduated from high school in France in 1966. Former print journalist, professional photographer. Love animals: dogs, cats, horses, mostly. Current Opinions of News is a blog where I vent my frustrations with Democrats, crime, social issues, and so on.
This entry was posted in Advice, Attorney General Eric Holder, Barack Obama, Barry Soetoro, Communications, Congress, Conspiracies, Constitution, crime, Education, Hate Crimes, Hillary Clinton, Immigration, International, Islam, Joe Biden, Michelle Obama, Military, Mitt Romney, Parenting, Politics, Presidency, Religion, Society, Terrorism, The News Media, Treason, White House. Bookmark the permalink.

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